About Doc B
Principal's Message

On behalf of the students and staff at Clovis High School, it is my privilege to welcome wrestling fans to the 46th Annual “Doc” Buchanan Wrestling Invitational Tournament. This prestigious event has consistently brought together the finest teams and individual wrestlers in the State of California. Wrestlers who emerge victorious from this grueling two-day tournament traditionally represent their leagues and sections at the CIF State Wrestling Meet on the first weekend in March at Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield.
I am anticipating another outstanding “Doc” Buchanan Wrestling Tournament this year. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our entire community for all of their hard work with this wonderful event. The level of competition once again will be second to none. As wrestling fans let us continue to demonstrate our support for all of the athletes while cheering on our own teams. Good luck to each team and individual wrestler participating in this years’ tournament. I look forward to joining with other wrestling fans and watching these exceptional athletes compete for the coveted Cowboy Hat. Let the tournament begin!
Stephanie Hanks, Principal Clovis High School
....who is Doc Buchanan?
Speaking of white hats, to the Clovis community, no one represents the good guy in the white hat better than Clovis Unified’s own Dr. Floyd Buchanan. As a thank you and to honor Doc, the former Clovis Invitational Wrestling Tournament was renamed the Doc Buchanan Invitational in January of 1991.
Doc was the first superintendent of the Clovis Unified School District and was the driving force behind the building of CUSD as an athletic powerhouse. His introduction of athletics to primary grades was not a desire to build a dynasty but his anti-drug and gangs program. Doc believed that giving kids something to do at school would keep them off the streets and give them somewhere safe to go. Doc didn’t turn it over to someone else to implement his vision though, he was hands on - from planting turf for fields and making sure it got watered to making sure the junior highs had pools, and assuring each high school had TWO gyms so there was somewhere to practice. He bought large school sites so kids could have fields and fine stadiums and tracks. And Doc never skimped on the best equipment to protect his kids - he always said Clovis Unified was too poor to buy cheap.
Although his doctorate is in education, his experience as a college wrestler and hurdler gave him an understanding of the
benefit of co-curricular pro- grams. Doc’s vision included

not just athletics, but band, choir, oratory and academic programs. In 1991 Doc Buchanan left as our superintendent but his legacy lives on, and Doc remains a strong supporter of all Clovis Unified athletic, co-curricular and academic programs.
We are so thankful and honored that for years Doc Buchanan presented medals to the winners at the Doc B finals up until his passing in 2015. The presentation of the white hat is a legacy that will live on forever here at Clovis High.